Wednesday 28 January 2015

3 Things I Found Interesting In This Opening Sequence Which Previous Students Have Done.

Here, I have said what i like about this previous students media work. This work was a very high level so I would hope my grade could also be like this. i point out 3 things i enjoyed about this opening sequence.

GoPro Test Footage

As we will be using the GoPro, we needed to experiment with the camera so we know of its capabilities and features. We went around the school filming to see how the GoPro is and we are happy with the results.

Tuesday 27 January 2015

Filming Tutorials we can use

Here are multiple videos which can help us when we are filming, they give us some initial ideas that we could use or not use. these may come in handy when we start to edit our film and film it. Especially when we are filming outside, as the tips may help very much.

Shooting Schedule

Animatic Feedback

Improved Amimatic

We improved our animatic according to the feedback we got from our peers. One thing they said to improve was the soundtrack, they said it did not go with the vibe of the film but it felt more like a jungle themed film. We changed the soundtrack to a more gritty city based theme which goes very nicely with the style of the film. Another improvement we have to do is finish it which we did so the opening sequence will make sense. Now, the opening should make it clear on what is going on.

Monday 26 January 2015

Location Shots

The first scene in the opening extract will be shown here when the camera will eventually zoom into a document with the protagonists name and picture on it. We want it to be based here as this location is based in a rural area and will provide a great opening. We may use a different location as we discuss the technical side of things when filming. However, this is our initial idea of where we want our first scene to be. 



For our opening sequence we decided to use a urban house, in which the boss of the family, whose face is not seen will be located. We will use this location towards the end of the opening sequence when we are see the crime boss, as well as the various flashbacks which the main character has whilst running away. We decided to use this location as it seems quite normal and not dangerous, in contrast to the storyline of the film, in which the crime boss wants to hunt the main character down. We plan to use a close up and a medium shot within this location, as it is best suitable and you will able to see the crime boss of the family, whilst in an urban household. We also tend to use dark lighting in our recording in this specific location, as it is very mysterious and will not expose the face of the crime boss and will make the audience extremely interested in the storyline of the film.

Thursday 22 January 2015

Credits and Titles

Costume List

Below is our Costume List post which is a list of costume and clothing items which we will use for our opening sequence. We also planned which camera shots the costume items will appear, during the opening sequence.



We decided to use this soundtrack in the end as we feel it gives more of a thrill to the audience and can fit in very nicely with the Action/Adventure opening sequence. I uploaded it to sound cloud so it can be used very easily and easily accessible for when we need it. Also, since its on sound cloud we could get comments to see how good it is.

Monday 12 January 2015

Production Ident Process

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The process we took to make our production ident involved a lot of experimenting and getting used to using the effects on adobe premier pro.

BlackJack Studios Ident

We will use this ident along with our other one at the start of our opening sequence.